QRZ! Ham Radio 6
QRZ Ham Radio Callsign Database - Volume 6.iso
Text File
65 lines
###ppp trace 2
attach asy serial.device 0 ppp pp0 8092 576 38400c
# PPP has many parameter options, they are described briefly below;
# refer to the README files for more information on these options
# tracing options:
# there are two trace methods for a PPP interface. they can operate
# separately or in combination. the first method uses a combination
# of the 'log' and 'ppp trace' commands (see the example just above
# the attach command). it traces the transitions of the PPP state
# machine through its various link states and layers. the second method
# (as shown below) traces the contents of packets sent and received
# on a PPP interface. sometimes disk delays while tracing can cause
# packet timeout and retransmission; in this case, use the 'ppp timeout'
# command to lengthen the timeout interval.
###trace pp0 1211 ppp.log
#trace pp0 211 ppp.log
# PPP Link Control Protocol options:
# use the 'ppp ctlmap' command to flag bytes which cant be passed
# across the data link. if the data link is 8-bit transparent, use
# a ctlmap of all zeros. if, for example, XON/XOFF are intercepted
# as flow control by a device in the data link, use a ctlmap value
# of 0x00050000; the XON and XOFF bytes will be 'escaped' before
# transmission (and 'un-escaped' by the remote PPP decoder), but all
# other ASCII control chars will be sent 'in the clear'.
ppp mru pp0 256
#ppp ctlmap pp0 0xffffffff
ppp ctlmap pp0 0x00000000
ppp accomp pp0 1
ppp protcomp pp0 1
# PPP Peer Authentication Protocol options:
# the PAP phase is not required, but is recommended in dial-up situations.
# the side of the link that wants to restrict access should uncomment
# the 'ppp auth' command. the other side will prompt for a peerid and
# password; the peerid and password can be preset with a combination of
# the 'ppp peerid' command and a corresponding entry in the \FTPUSERS file.
#ppp auth pp0 PAP
#ppp peerid pp0 cckatie
# PPP IP Control Protocol options:
# each side of a PPP link may know one, both or neither of their respective
# IP addresses, but both addresses must be collectively known and agreed
# upon. please refer to the README files for more on IP address negotiation.
ppp ipcomp pp0 vjold
#ppp peer pp0 []
# PPP activation command:
# a PPP interface can be passive or active. a passive PPP interface will
# wait (forever) for the remote peer to initiate LCP negotiations. a PPP
# interface is passive by default; use the 'ppp active' command to switch
# an interface from passive to active. at least one side of the PPP link
# must be an active interface; it is permissible for both sides to be
# active; if both sides are passive, nothing will happen because neither
# side will attempt to start LCP negotiations to open the PPP link.
# please refer to the README files for more on active/passive status.
ppp active pp0
#ppp passive pp0
route add default pp0